Hey, I am
Sushan Sapaliga

Vamanjoor, Mangalore
St Joseph Engineering College

Intra City Logistic Website

‘Shifterly’ is a reactive and responsive website built using Angular .It is connected to firebase for database and Authentication service. Hosted this website in firebase. A website which allows the user to create a account and login. The user can book trucks according to their requirement and select the pickup and drop location for the goods and get an estimate price for the service.

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Flight Trajectory Simulator
Show the trajectory of a flight in realtime

In this project, a graphics software system called The OpenGL is used. OpenGL (Open Graphics Library). The project “Flight Trajectory Simulator” shows trajectory path from the initial airport to the selected destination airport of the plane. This project needs user interaction to navigate across the pages and select the airports and make it fly. There is an error handling property telling the user that they havn't selected any airport. The user can modify the plane according there needs ie its color, its speed and many more.
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Tiara 2k20
Registration app for Tiara 2k20

A web based mobile application which allows the student to register for National Level Tech Fest Tiara. The students can create a profile of themself and register for any event which they wish to participate using a unique 9-digit alphabet called SID [Student Identification number]. They can even team up with other students of same college. The registrations can only be done through mobile app which is avaliable on playstore.
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Drone controller

An application built using python3 which can control the drone. The speciality of this controller is it can recognise the gesture made by the user and perform those action assigned for that particular gesture. There are few more cool stuff that can be made using this controller.
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[ Still under development ]

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